Message boards : Predictor of the day

Message boards : Predictor of the day

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readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to drakkhenlord for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit frxtrimer_6_0030_b5r2_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_167765_0 !
1 Admin 2058 6 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Krokkato (Team Research Team Italy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for work
1 Admin 2146 5 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Denny for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit foldit_997620_1081_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_165403_0 !
1 Admin 2117 4 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bexi for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit remodel_lp_9_6_0004_0_0077_foldit_0002__2_fragments_fold_out_2_0_0017_fragments_relax_SAVE_
1 Admin 2105 3 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Mark Owens for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_11_2helixspiral_X21_GBB_22_BAB_o4_6_1_f_fragments_abinitio_SAVE_ALL_OUT_165059_0
1 Admin 2035 2 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to fklin (Team BOINC@Taiwan) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_25_2helix_spir
1 Admin 2066 1 Jun 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Mike (Team USA) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_25_3helix_X9_B_9_B_9_B_3
1 Admin 2102 31 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to boinc_qc for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_25_3helix_X10_B_9_B_9_B_23_1_a_rd8_fc_fragments_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_166540_0
1 Admin 2088 30 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to The_Saint_(LDS) (Team Phoenix Rising) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1L.13H.
1 Admin 2170 29 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ceasterday (Team Don't Panic Labs) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_25_
1 Admin 2181 28 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to fuwenrui (Team Team China) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit syil2dnd2v2_6_relax
1 Admin 2140 27 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to pdietrich for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit GLO1_-2.85_6.60_0.00_-150.30_0.00_-2.85_12.65_59.50_-183.75_-2.50_0_0001_27_0001_fold_
1 Admin 2228 26 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to zhang987@GZDD (Team Team China) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit target_contact_
1 Admin 2111 25 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to JerryMan (Team Mexico Team) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit p8_d1_r2_picked_5
1 Admin 2139 24 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to NC for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 0_input_0988_0001_ss1_1_ss2_1_ss3_3_ss4_1_ss5_4_0001_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_163698_0
1 Admin 2069 23 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. (Team Team Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp.) for predicting the lowest ener
1 Admin 2149 22 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Interwebs (Team The Zeitgeist Movement) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1L.1
1 Admin 2141 21 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Eugene Onegin (Team TSC! Russia) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_5_8_2heli
1 Admin 2157 20 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to John (Team Boeing) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit syilidev6a_3_relax_SAVE_A
1 Admin 2206 19 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to tjv (Team University of Colorado, Boulder) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 0
1 Admin 2145 18 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to cdcps for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 0_input_0364_ss1_1_ss2_1_ss3_3_ss4_4_ss5_3_0001_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_163657_0
1 Admin 2186 17 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to jiri.heczko (Team Czech National Team) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 3_input
1 Admin 2169 16 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to mtgmooner (Team SETIKAH@KOREA) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit EEHE_2.0_03_r
1 Admin 2145 15 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Sciadopitys (Team Kiwisoft) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 4_input_0023_0001
1 Admin 2146 14 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Eduardo da Silva Taulois for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit picked_4_1_0052_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_164088_0
1 Admin 2205 13 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Darrell (Team Boeing) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr042114_ama1_longee_n
1 Admin 2138 12 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to brilong (Team [H]ard|OCP) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_4_24_2helix_spi
1 Admin 2093 11 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to jay for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit opt81_mc_best_fragments_nocsb_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_164174_0 !
1 Admin 2150 10 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Matt for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_4_21_3helixWt1_X10_B_10_B_9_B_32_2_d_fragments_abinitio_SAVE_ALL_OUT_159612_0
1 Admin 2137 9 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Krokkato (Team Research Team Italy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for work
1 Admin 2196 8 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to TheSacrament (Team TSC! Russia) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit tj_4_30_3heli
1 Admin 2157 7 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to hippotized (Team SETI.Germany) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 20140404195700_
1 Admin 2176 6 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to amgthis for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr041414_pd1_try70_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_158416_0 !
1 Admin 2108 5 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Zeratul for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit fordas_death_initial_design_2YGS_6-0-1-2-3-4-5_1b952f40457b4635b6ec96a66825bf93_relax_SA
1 Admin 2156 4 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Brian Stansbury (Team BOINC Synergy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr042114_ama
1 Admin 2151 3 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to NC for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit fordas_death_initial_design_1C15_2-3-4-0-1_f12d9b0b355c4279a2fc0b6e4e8036d0_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT
1 Admin 2104 2 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Mark Rose for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr042114_ama1_longee_newpsi82_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_159719_0
1 Admin 2089 1 May 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to fran_ky (Team SETI.Germany) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit report_fold_119987_G
1 Admin 2107 30 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Valentin Filip for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr042114_ama1_longee_newpsi475_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_160112_0
1 Admin 2107 29 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to NC for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr042114_ama1_longee_newpsi264_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_159901_0 !
1 Admin 2108 28 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Bryan for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr041414_pd1_try326_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_158422_0 !
1 Admin 2082 27 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to yorkyto (Team BOINC.Italy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit fordas_death_initi
1 Admin 2130 26 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Tweel for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit fordas_death_initial_design_2GF5_3-4-5-0-1-2_f55b08fc43424d668e8b68e72413b973_relax_SAVE_A
1 Admin 2157 25 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Aroundomaha (Team In Loving Memory) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit picked_2
1 Admin 2077 24 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to franwolf for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit report_fold_119987_GLY-GLY_0001_fragments_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_158677_0
1 Admin 2067 23 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Terminal* (Team Sicituradastra.) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr040414_ama
1 Admin 2185 22 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Zerox for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit report_fold_119987_ARG-LYS_0001_fragments_fold_SAVE_ALL_OUT_158559_0
1 Admin 2221 21 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Lev Pinskiy (Team Center for Inquiry) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit C3_1xh
1 Admin 2123 20 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to trever (Team Picard) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit gr040414_ama1_longee_newh
1 Admin 2130 19 Apr 2014
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Phil Savoie for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 17.21_6D_loop_remodel_relax_SAVE_ALL_OUT_157968_0 !
1 Admin 2185 18 Apr 2014

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