CPU core info.. P3, P4, Pm, AthlonXP, Athlon64, etc

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Message 16617 - Posted: 19 May 2006, 5:50:40 UTC

The difference between the Pentium M (P III) and Pentium IV at Tom's Hardware. here.

An article with comparisons between the Pentium M, Pentium 4, and Athlon 64/Opteron at Anandtech.

An article describing the Athlon 64/Opteron in great detail at Ars Technica. (There's articles on the Athlon XP, Pentium III, Pentium IV, and Pentium M as well - somewhere. Since I've read most of them.) look here.

Anyone have other in depth comparisons that they found helpful? Or much simpler comparisons?

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Message 16627 - Posted: 19 May 2006, 10:24:22 UTC

You really shouldn't mention the PentiumIII at the same time as the PentiumM
Since it can cause confusion with the PentiumIIIm ;-)
Yes it takes it fundamental design from the P-III series, but it is quite heavily modified in certain aspects.

Intel really cause confusion with it's naming of that (of course they've made the whole naming conventions worse since then for all of their CPU's)
Ok so they've tried to make amends since they're phasing out 'PentiumM' for 'Core' now.

More about older generation, but also give the fundamentals and undocummented 'features' [pre 2002]

All thing x86-64 and Linux

Also here when I used to read it had some really good information
though it seems to have 'expanded' it coverage :-(
anyways, PCU related http://www.lostcircuits.com/cpu/

There is just lots of information around the web, lots of it miss-information especialy in meassage boards ;-) [we're all guilty of it]
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Message 16643 - Posted: 19 May 2006, 16:01:31 UTC - in response to Message 16617.  

The difference between the Pentium M (P III) and Pentium IV at Tom's Hardware. here.

An article with comparisons between the Pentium M, Pentium 4, and Athlon 64/Opteron at Anandtech.

An article describing the Athlon 64/Opteron in great detail at Ars Technica. (There's articles on the Athlon XP, Pentium III, Pentium IV, and Pentium M as well - somewhere. Since I've read most of them.) look here.

Anyone have other in depth comparisons that they found helpful? Or much simpler comparisons?

I started putting together a comparison of different cores a while ago - basically I was after a chart which showed rosetta performance per watt for different CPUs. I think it'd be pretty useful to have around.

This is as far as I got:
http://www.extremedc.net/rosetta/cpus.csv (it's csv so it'll look a lot tidier in something like excel than in a web browser!)
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Message boards : Number crunching : CPU core info.. P3, P4, Pm, AthlonXP, Athlon64, etc

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